Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fast Facts Fluency

We began the year in Math working on our Multiplication Fast Facts. It is important for fourth graders to be automatic with these facts in order to be successful in Math this year. We have spent a lot of time working on strategies for remembering these. We have learned songs from Schoolhouse Rock, finger tricks, patterns, and rhymes to help us. We also played "I Have, Who Has" a game where students must listen to multiplication problems to see if they have a card with the answer.
For example-
"6 times 6 has 3 6s. 6 x  6 = 36"
"6 and 8 went on a date, when they came back they were 48. 6 x 8 = 48"
"I ate and ate and got sick on the floor. 8 x 8 = 64"
"6 and 7 were sad and blue. 6 x 7 = 42"
 The nine trick:

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Poetry Workshop

 Every Thursday we do Poetry Workshop during our Writing block. We started by talking about what an Anthology is. We looked at some examples of Poetry anthologies and began to put together our own that we will be adding to throughout the year. The students were given time to design the cover of their anthologies and then we had a Gallery Walk to see each other's work.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to the Pack!

Mrs. Walker
Room 413
Welcome to the fourth grade at GAB in Room 409. We are Mrs. Walker’s Wolves. I look forward to having you in my classroom this year. We will do many fun and educational things that I hope will make your learning fun!


My name is Mrs.Walker. This is my eleventh year at GAB. I taught 3rd grade for five years and this is my sixth year teaching 4th grade. I am excited to meet all of you. I taught a few of your siblings and know many of your faces already. I graduated from Appalachian State University in Boone, NC- GO MOUNTAINEERS! I feel very lucky to be at Grady A. Brown, the #1 school in America!
I am a native of Chapel Hill, NC. Most of my family and friends are in this area. My husband and I live here in Hillsborough with our baby boy, Cole. We have a cat named Missy. I love reading and hope to pass this passion along to all of my students.

Please feel free to call me or schedule an appointment for a conference. My number at school is 732-6138 ext. 45402. You may also e-mail me at Check out our class webpage for more information throughout the year:


Snacks will be eaten mid-morning. I am asking that parents send in snacks with their students that are healthy. Some suggested snacks are: granola bars, goldfish crackers, graham crackers, fruit, pretzels, etc. Please do not send in candy bars, sodas, or other items such as this.

***Please refrain from sending in foods that need to be heated in the microwave at lunch due to time constraints.

Each student will be responsible for having a 2-pocket folder that will go home every night with all communication letters and homework papers.

All lunch, PTA, field trip money, etc. should be placed in an envelope or Ziploc bag that has your child’s name on it, the amount enclosed, and what it is being sent for. If it is lunch money, please write your child’s lunch number as well.